Sunday, May 5, 2013

more pics & video

Crossover students after their bread & Nutella treat
Baboons on the side of the road driving from Accra to Akosombo

This is the computer lab/library/equipment room/Dave's office.  

This was one of my little helpers...he demanded he carry my water bottle around for me all day

 This is the Crossover student body singing "Peg-A-SOOS"...Pegasus is Crossover's sister school in Huntington Beach, CA., where Jim Conti is a teacher/debate coach/star, and where my son Jacob goes to school
 This is the girls "dorm".  My stupid question "There are 120 girls at Crossover, I only see like 20 mats, why is that?"  Dave's response "No, no, 5 or 6 girls can fit on each mat."  Wow
Cute little guys in the classroom/boys dorm

This is my daughter, Savannah, whose team took second place last night in their dance competition!  So sorry I missed it Savannah!!
Sorry, First place, taking home the GOLD!!  and the hardware to prove it

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