It's great to be back home. I've had lots of people asking me about the trip and wanting to help and it is all so appreciated! I had to post this one piece of exciting information I just found out...
Earlier in my blog, I mentioned a company that is a leading IP-based satellite communications company based here in the U.S.
Anyway, I heard back today that they are providing the hardware and their partner (a network operator) will be providing the connectivity (service) for FREE to Crossover!!
I cannot tell you how significant a gift this is for those kids in terms of their education! I contacted this company randomly as I was doing due diligence on internet options for rural areas. This company (and specifically 2 people who made it happen at that company) truly stepped up to the plate here. They didnt know me or Crossover from Adam, it just blows my mind and makes you realize that the world is FILLED with good people who want to do good things and help others who need a helping hand. It's easy to lose sight of this given that most of what is covered in the media is people doing bad things.
I've also gotten some requests of how to send things to the is their address in case you want to send over a care package:
Crossover International Academy
P.O. Box AB 446
Akosombo, E/R
Ghana, West Africa
Please let me know if/when you are going to send something so I can give the headmaster a heads up of when to expect it...Akosombo is a 90 minute drive from Crossover so he only goes there when he needs to.